October 18, 2012

  • I Must Blog. Today.

    (Photos in this post are from a visit to the B.C. rimrocks and windmills about a month ago.  Now the leaves are gone and we’ve had a big snow which disappeared.  There’s a snowfall warning out for tomorrow.)

    It’s been pretty dull on my blog.  Life has not been dull, though.  I’ve been with the wide, wonderful, wacky online world for three years now, and have had a blog since May of 2010.   Somehow after all this time of having more  to say than there seemed to be time or discretion for, I just can’t blog anymore.  The topics burning to be discussed have grown quiet.  I start writing and close out after a few sentences.  And I come back to the usual question.  Why do I blog anyway?  And is it only crazies like me who read it? confused

    I was moaning to Dan the other night that I can’t blog anymore and he said, “Well I feel that way about preaching sometimes too but I have to do it anyway.”  I knew that already but I realized again that that’s got to be difficult.  Because I know that part of my issue with blogging is that I feel like I don’t have my life together.  And a pastor has to preach whether he has his stuff together or not. 

    But I miss the interaction here.  Writing, like music, is good for the soul.   I Must Blog Today.  It could easily go the way of I Must Start Walking for Weight Loss and I Will Not Eat Another Raisin Tart Square.  But I will try.   Like this good blogger here http://baileyandme2.com/2012/10/11/k-life/ I’ll write in numbered paragraphs.  (And I still haven’t learned how to highlight a word that takes you to a site without the big web address dealie.  Tell me how in easy terms and I will thank you.)

    1.  Last  night Dan & I watched a lot of the presidential debate.  Can you IMAGINE speaking and knowing that every.single.word.you.say will be taken and hashed and rehashed and picked apart and used against you?  All I can say is that those men are tough. 

    2.  Liesl can’t stand to sit on her dress.  I hadn’t realized her aversion to it until the last few weeks.  It is especially noticeable at church or prayer meeting when she hitches her dress up above her panties and then sits down.  Last night at Bible study I realized that Sitting Down Like a Lady must be on the top of my teaching list.  Today the lessons commenced.  She laughs and says, “I keep forgetting!” when I remind her to try again.

    3.  There are two stories that I can’t forget right now.  One is the story of a young girl in southern B.C. who committed suicide after years of horror through cyber bullying.  It’s all over in the Canadian news.  It’s just so, so sad.

          The other is the 40 something guy who’s paralyzed because of some freak accident in a surgery.  He weighs 400 lbs. and is in a nursing home because they have the equipment to lift him and care for him.  He is intelligent.  He is depressed.  He has diabetes and may have to have his legs removed because of the sores on them.  He keeps eating.  He orders in food on the side.  There is no policy in place to stop him.  He has rights.

        I think the reason these stories grip me is because I see myself in both of these people.  I see myself in the darkness, the quiet desperation, and the demons that tell me over and over to give up and give in.  Sometimes my doubts are so huge that I can’t voice them to anyone.  But Jesus is synonymous with Hope.  I am so thankful.   I want to share HIM.


    4.  Alec & Victoria went to Wisconsin for 10 days to be with their grandparents and cousins and all the rest.  They are 14 and 13.  They changed planes in Denver on the way down and will in Chicago on the way home.  I am proud of them.  I miss them. 

    5.  Nobody told me that parenting would be so hard.  Some days I want to run away.   But there is nowhere to run.  Some moments I know that my heart will burst with love and joy.  Parenting is the most harrowing experience in the world. 

    (That paragraph deserves a medal for profundity.  Not.)

    6.  Dan & I took online personality quizzes the other night.  I don’t think my results were very accurate.  I was labelled Groundbreaking Thinker.  They told me that I was into one-upman-ship.  While I didn’t like it much that was probably at least one area of truth.  I don’t like it, my competitive side.  That’s  one reason it’s good for me to step back from the online world sometimes.  I get too caught up in my own and others’  “likes” and comments.  I hover.  I compare.  I want to be free, happy with the praise of others, giving it myself from the heart.  I don’t remember anymore what Dan’s label was and that makes me feel self-centered.

    7.  My parents were just here for a visit.  Our children are part of a disappearing era who have grandparents whose false teeth come out.  The little guys think that it is the most wonderful thing in the world.  My mom worries over being a bother to us and Dad just drinks his coffee and has a good time.  Mom canned up the tomatoes that were ripe and Dan told me one night that my dad is one of his best friends, which makes my heart happy. 

    8.  I want to live in South Carolina and have buckets of pecans in my freezer. 

    9.  I wrote and then erased a paragraph about Zoloft and natural health remedies and depression.  I won’t bother with details.  I cried over this song this morning:

    Breath of heaven,
    Hold me together,
    Be forever near me,
    Breath of heaven.
    Breath of heaven,
    Lighten my darkness,
    Pour over me your holiness,
    For you are holy.
    Breath of heaven.

    I love it.  I didn’t know Amy Grant wrote it.

    I wonder sometimes if there are people who just wake up happy every morning.  Or do they all work hard at it every single day like I do?

    Time to end this sunshiny post.   I’m so glad to have the outside work mostly done for the fall.  Now I must

    a) Read The Screwtape Letters

    b) Clean, organize, trash 1/3 of the junk in this house

    c) Repeat b

    d) Sew for a niece’s wedding

    e) Pray that we can go to Faith Builders this winter

    f) Repeat b

    g) Repeat f

    h) Have Mel & Linda for a meal

    i) Have Bob & Kate over

    j) Sew living room curtains

    k) Put pictures on memory stick

    l) Teach Andre to write his name and color.  He hates coloring and he goes to kindergarten after Christmas. 

    We are having frozen pizza for lunch.  I need to wash up last night’s mugs from Bible study here, along with the breakfast dishes.  But the laundry will soon be done and I read to Andre and Liesl. We read The Biggest Bear and the Sunday school paper about a little girl learning to ride bike.  We did the activities in the paper, read the back story about turtle soup, and Andre wrote his name on the paper with a yellow marker.

    And I blogged. 

    ~Respectfully,  Luci

Comments (29)

  • I loved #7. I understand how Dan and your dad being friends makes you happy! Oh, and I forgot to tell you. I shook your parents hands at Wilberts’s funeral. It’s been years since I have seen them. Probably as about as many years as since I have seen you.

  • I’ll join you on letter “e”.    If you come in here this winter, we will go to Tim Horton’s together, and I will have you here at my house (and you’ll see that you don’t have to worry about competing with me!), and we will finally get to know each other!

    I. must. blog., too.    I have to stop comparing myself to others & thinking that I have nothing worthwhile to say, and just DO IT because without it, I feel like part of me is fading away.

  • I can relate to so much of this. Truly. Wish we could sit over coffee and be friends in real life :)

  • I grew up in SC and never realized what a luxury pecans were until I moved to Ontario where they cost $7.00 a pound and tasted like they were three years old.

    I hope you can go to FB this year, too. I’ve been for part of winter term, and my dream is for Gabriel and me to go back sometime. He would take care of the kids and I would take classes. Ha.Thanks for posting…I always like to read what you write.Have you ever thought of starting a writer’s group? I would join it…seriously.

  • Missed you, my blogging friend! And I’m glad you found the rimrocks – did you have fun there? And just, hugs. 

  • i am glad you blogged!

  • I have the same blog/not to blog convo in my head.  I really like what you shared about your husband preaching even when he doesn’t feel up to it.  So true.  I’m glad you blog!  :)

  • Yes, and doesn’t it feel better to have written?  I’m glad to read your post today.  I understand what you mean in seeing yourself in those two troubled individuals. 

    Love that song.  It’s been a while since I’ve heard it sung.


  • Love you, dear, honest Luci. I haven’t blogged in awhile either, not really blogged. So I must do it again. It feels so good to write again…does that make sense to anyone but a writer? And even if it’s boring, it’s a release of some sorts, thank you very much.

    I have a girl who hates sitting on her dress too. It was a huge issue several months ago but has kinda gone away now I guess.

    And snow? Really? Already? Wishing you lots of sunshine for the long winter ahead.

  • Oh my, Luci, are you in my head or what? I was working on a blog post and some of it was similar to what you wrote– and now if i post I will feel like it looks like i was copying off you! 

    i would love to hear your thoughts on zoloft, depression and natural remedies. I was just wanting some SSRI’s the other day, badly, but so far the 2 kinds i’ve tried (including zoloft) work wonderfully for 2-3 months and then lose effectiveness and then the side effects kick in and it’s no longer worth it. but i feel like i think a person should feel while they work. so now it’s natural remedies and a full regimen of vitamins (when i can make myself take them) and it helps, but not as much as i’d like. i am dreading winter because that is always worse. i can tell a difference already since we have less daylight and cloudier skies again. 

  • So glad to read your blog today! You really make me laugh sometimes, it’s like you’re sneaky with your humor, but I’m totally on to you.

    I think struggle is so common in this time of life. So much to do so little time to do it and oh, hey, there’s everyone else over there actually doing it better than me!

    And hey,, are you calling us crazy?? haha

  • I loved reading “The Biggest Bear” to my children! And “Blueberries for Sal.”  Great post.

  • I love reading your posts.They are so”real life”.Kudos to you for watching the debate!Just can’t watch that kind of stuff.Too nerve-wracking and frustrating.

  • @Esther_lynn - Mom mentioned seeing you too.  Maybe we’ll be coming to OR in March for a wedding at Hopewell.  Or some time this spring anyway…..

    @itsayoderworld - IF we ever get anywhere near you, be sure that I will look you up.  Yes.  You.must.blog. 

    @fourkidsonemom - coffee & friendship are among my favorite things.


  • @Jabber_wock - My friend Jennifer, wife of the Vet and Ireland Dweller:  Are you on facebook?  I have wished to join writers’ groups but never thought of starting one.  I wouldn’t know how to begin.  How about you start it and I’ll join?

    @Angela Fehr - Yes!  We had a lovely afternoon at the rimrock.  Just hugs back to you.

    @richlyblest - Go ahead and post and don’t worry about copying.  If it started in your own head it doesn’t matter if it matches what I was thinking.  I’m no pro on anti-depressants OR the natural things that work, but if you ever want to talk, just message me.  Wishing you sunshine.

  • great post. always love to read what you have to share. your honesty is refreshing! a happy weekend to you! 

  • Always love when you post! I have bags of pecans in my SC freezer and they don’t get used. :) Maybe I could ship you some…

  • If you start a writersgroup, I’ll be right with Jennifer to join!
    So so good to hear from you! And I’ll send up a few prayers that you could go to FB, you know that if you spend ime there, you have no excuse to not spend a weekend in Lancaster, right?

  • BC is one of the most beautiful places. I am from Gabriola Island (really small), it is right by Nanaimo.

  • @quiet_hearts - 

    just so you know, i started over on my post. i just had to.
    if you are at Faith Builders this winter, LET ME KNOW! I do not live that far away!

  •     @Carsonsmom2 - I can imagine unused pecans happening if you have them in surplus.  But they are just SO good and so very expensive here. I know you were joking about the shipping, but I’m sure it would never be worth it.  Postage is outrageous into Canada.

    @writersblock02 - I really don’t know if FB will be happening for us this winter.  But is it your dad that is one of the speakers?  And I keep thinking about your family because I’m reading Johnny Miller’s book Heart Bridge to the children at night and it refers to Bill Mullet former director quite often.  How old were you when you were in Romania?  About a writers’ group….I’d just love that.  But honestly.  How do you start something like that?

  • @Foodhog - Thanks for stopping by.  Yes-B.C. is lovely.  We live way up here close to Dawson Creek but actually on the Alberta side of the border. I’m always happy to meet fellow Canadians.  Thanks for the rec.

  • @richlyblest - I hope I didn’t open my mouth too big about Faith Builders.  I don’t know at all if it will happen.  But one can always dream.  And yes….I’d love to meet you.

  • @quiet_hearts - Hmm I have no Idea if he’s speaking at Faith Builders this year or not, I think he did last year.
    We were in Romania 94-96 I was 14 -16 years old.:)
    about the writers group, I think you would probabl start with sending out invitations (via facebook? I dunno) to people who you think are interested, and then add them to the group if they accept? If its your group you can make the rules however you please!

  • This blog was great. Your honesty is deep. I had this sure feeling as I read your words that God has great plans to use you in great ways in the months and years to come. Probably through blogging, but in others ways too. Let yourself dream big – because God’s plans for you are big. 

  • the sweet innocence of your little liesl laughing and saying that she keeps forgetting makes me smile. half of my problems are that i think like a grown up in ways that i wish i’d just chill over…AND like a kid in ways that i really need to grow up about!!! could you follow that?

    i LOVE when you blog. happy monday!

  • weldon and i argued over how your kids arrived here in WI. he said Dan probably came down with them. i said, no, i’m pretty sure they flew. just the two of them. and now i know. i was right. wow. i can’t imagine the heady excitement of flying with no parents!! and admire you letting them have that independence.
    loved the post. i always love your posts.

    there is something about the way that you talk about the darkness and the soul of yearning that has me nodding right along with you. and so so grateful that somehow i have managed to hang onto Hope, as well….write some more! i want to comment on so much more but my brain is foggy…

  • @quiet_hearts - No, I’m not on FB although I know it’s a good way to connect with people. I waste too much time on other parts of the internet already. :P If a writers’ group would be started on it, though, I’d seriously consider joining just for that. I don’t know what happens in writers’ group and thus don’t feel brave enough to start one, but I really want to stretch my writing skills and be more okay with criticism of what I write. A writers’ group seems like a good way to accomplish that.

  • Luci, I can’t believe I didn’t see this when you wrote it! A whole 10 days ago I could’ve had my mind put to ease that you are still there. Well, now I know and I am so happy. I love how you write (blog) and so hopefully, you’ll continue. My life depends on it. hee hee. I, too have wondered if people really do just wake up happy every morning. When my children were babies, they woke up happy. Some mornings, I wake up happy, but most mornings, I have to come out of my fog and then ask Jesus what we’re doing today. If I feel particularly skeptical, I begin thanking him for being my savior, friend, comforter, etc. and then I am able to take on the day because I feel like He’s taking it on for me. When I forget about him, I drop. Hard drop. Thankfully, he’s there to pull me up and I’ll pray he’ll pull you up when you drop and feel sad or slow or wordless or whatever takes you down. And ‘ll pray that your pastor hubby can have his stuff together the way Jesus wants it so that it’s Jesus’s message that gets through to the congregation. kind of like the right messages get through to our children through us. It’s late now, so I must get to the bed.  Hugs to you!

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